About Us
Gráficas Zokoa is a family business dedicated to handling paper and cardboard, mainly for the food industry.
We specialise in cardboard trays and packages for cakes and freezing, as well as in the printing and customisation of assorted packs.
The company was founded in 1972 and, since we started, our mission has been to offer quality, service and professionalism to all our customers, from craft industries to large companies, standard or customised, general or personalised, for use in food as well as in other industries.
Our commitment to quality and the environment led us to achieve ISO 9001 and ISO14001 certification in 2011.
Since always, our specialisation has been in the food industry, for which we are also certified in BRC/IOP, thus guaranteeing the safety of our products destined for customers in this sector.
Finally, we opted to certify the forest chain of custody of our products according to the PEFC™ and FSC® schemes, thus collaborating in the promotion of responsible worldwide forest management.
Other Information

This company has received 50% co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund.